List of publications (incomplete list)
International Journals
• Macrothiols Through Free Radical Chain Transfer: Synthesis, Kinetics and Application in Block Copolymer Synthesis. C. P. Reghunadhan Nair, P. Sivadasan & V. P. Balagangadharan. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. Volume 36, Issue 1, 1999
• Online Light Scattering - Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of Propellant Binders. VP Balagangadharan, KG Kannan and K N Ninan
• Functionality distribution and crosslink density of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene. K. N. Ninan, V. P. Balagangadharan, K. Ambikadevi, K. B. Catherine. Polymer International - Volume 31, Issue 3, pages 255–260, 1993.
• Size exclusion chrormatographic studies on the urethane reaction in hydroxyl-terminated polymers. V. P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine, K. G. Kannan, K. N. Ninan. Polymer International - Volume 29, Issue 3, pages 191–194, 1992
• Influence of Hydroxyl Content on the Functionality Distribution and Gumstock Properties of Polybutadiene. K. N. Ninan, V. P. Balagangadharan, K. Ambika Devi, Korah Bina Catherine
‘Frontiers of Polymer Research’, ed. P.N. Prasad and J.K. Nigam, Plenum Press New York, (1991), 595-599.
• Detection and Determination of Formaldehyde-dimethylhydrazone in Mixtures with 1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine: K.N.Ninan, V.P. Balagangadharan and T.S. Ramasubramanian, Analytica Chemica Acta, 185 (1986) 377-380.
• Studies on the Functionality Distribution of Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene and Correlation with Mechanical Properties, K.N. Ninan, V.P. Balagangadharan, and Korah Bina Catherine, Polymer, 32,4 (1991) 628-635
Seminars & Symposia
1. Correlation of Region Content and Mechanical Properties of Hydrozy Terminated Polybutadiene., V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan
Proc. 7th National Seminar on High Energy Materials, Trivandrum India Feb 1994 PP 117-118.
2. On –Line Light Scattering-Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of Propellant Binders. V.P. Balagangadharan, K.G.Kannan and K.N.Ninan, Polymer Science-Recent Advances Ed.Bharadwaj., Proc. Polymers 94, Feb 8-10, Boroda, India.pp 725-730.
3. Molecular Characteristics of Partially Acetylated Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene. M.P.Vinod, V.P. Balagangadharan, Benny K George, K.G. Kannan and K.N. Ninan. Coloquium on HTPB, 24-25 July 92, VSSC Trivandrum.
4. Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution of HTPB on the Mechanical Properties of Cured Polymer, V.P.Balagangadharan, Korah bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan., ibid.
5. Polydispersity in HTPB – A Study using GPC, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine. Ibid.
6. Absolute Molecular Weight of Propellant Binders. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. National Seminar on New Frontiers in Chemistry, 7 May, 1991, Trivandrum
7. Influence of Hydroxyl Content on the Functionality Distribution and Gumstock Properties of Polybutadiene, K.N. Ninan, V.P.Balagangadharan, K. Ambikadevi and Korah Bina Catherine: ICFPR, Delhi, India.
8. Size Exclusion Chromatographic Studies on the Urethane Reaction in Hydroxyl-Terminated Polymers, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine, K.G.Kannan and K.N.Ninan, International Symposium sponsored by IUPAC, 10-15 Feb 1991, Melbourne, Australia
9. Towards Absolute Molecular weight of Polymers, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine, Review of Standardization of Analytical Procedures, 27 Nov 1991 VSSC Trivandrum, India.
10. Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of HTPB Prepolymers. Korah Bina Catherine and V.P. Balagangadharan. Ibid.
11. Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution of HTPB Prepolymer on Mechanical Propertied of the Cured Polymer. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. National Symposium of High Polymers and Coordination Polymers 23-25 Feb 1991, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India.
12. Characteristion of Sol in HTPB Gumstock. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. All India Seminar on Current Trends in Polymer Science, 29 Mar 1990, University of Madras, Madras, India
13. Preparative Size Exclusion Chromatography of HTPB, V.P.Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Chromatographic Techniques, 15-17 Dec. 1989, Madras, India.
14. Chromatographic Techniques in the study of Functionality Distribution of Carboxy Terminated Polybutadiene, Sreelatha.S.Panicker, V.P. Balagangadharan and K.N.Ninan.ibid.
“Characterisation of Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene by Gel Permeation Chromatography”. Dissertation submitted to the University of Poona, India as a part-requirement to M.Sc. degree, Aug 1988.
International Journals
• Macrothiols Through Free Radical Chain Transfer: Synthesis, Kinetics and Application in Block Copolymer Synthesis. C. P. Reghunadhan Nair, P. Sivadasan & V. P. Balagangadharan. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. Volume 36, Issue 1, 1999
• Online Light Scattering - Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of Propellant Binders. VP Balagangadharan, KG Kannan and K N Ninan
• Functionality distribution and crosslink density of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene. K. N. Ninan, V. P. Balagangadharan, K. Ambikadevi, K. B. Catherine. Polymer International - Volume 31, Issue 3, pages 255–260, 1993.
• Size exclusion chrormatographic studies on the urethane reaction in hydroxyl-terminated polymers. V. P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine, K. G. Kannan, K. N. Ninan. Polymer International - Volume 29, Issue 3, pages 191–194, 1992
• Influence of Hydroxyl Content on the Functionality Distribution and Gumstock Properties of Polybutadiene. K. N. Ninan, V. P. Balagangadharan, K. Ambika Devi, Korah Bina Catherine
‘Frontiers of Polymer Research’, ed. P.N. Prasad and J.K. Nigam, Plenum Press New York, (1991), 595-599.
• Detection and Determination of Formaldehyde-dimethylhydrazone in Mixtures with 1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine: K.N.Ninan, V.P. Balagangadharan and T.S. Ramasubramanian, Analytica Chemica Acta, 185 (1986) 377-380.
• Studies on the Functionality Distribution of Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene and Correlation with Mechanical Properties, K.N. Ninan, V.P. Balagangadharan, and Korah Bina Catherine, Polymer, 32,4 (1991) 628-635
Seminars & Symposia
1. Correlation of Region Content and Mechanical Properties of Hydrozy Terminated Polybutadiene., V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan
Proc. 7th National Seminar on High Energy Materials, Trivandrum India Feb 1994 PP 117-118.
2. On –Line Light Scattering-Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of Propellant Binders. V.P. Balagangadharan, K.G.Kannan and K.N.Ninan, Polymer Science-Recent Advances Ed.Bharadwaj., Proc. Polymers 94, Feb 8-10, Boroda, India.pp 725-730.
3. Molecular Characteristics of Partially Acetylated Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene. M.P.Vinod, V.P. Balagangadharan, Benny K George, K.G. Kannan and K.N. Ninan. Coloquium on HTPB, 24-25 July 92, VSSC Trivandrum.
4. Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution of HTPB on the Mechanical Properties of Cured Polymer, V.P.Balagangadharan, Korah bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan., ibid.
5. Polydispersity in HTPB – A Study using GPC, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine. Ibid.
6. Absolute Molecular Weight of Propellant Binders. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. National Seminar on New Frontiers in Chemistry, 7 May, 1991, Trivandrum
7. Influence of Hydroxyl Content on the Functionality Distribution and Gumstock Properties of Polybutadiene, K.N. Ninan, V.P.Balagangadharan, K. Ambikadevi and Korah Bina Catherine: ICFPR, Delhi, India.
8. Size Exclusion Chromatographic Studies on the Urethane Reaction in Hydroxyl-Terminated Polymers, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine, K.G.Kannan and K.N.Ninan, International Symposium sponsored by IUPAC, 10-15 Feb 1991, Melbourne, Australia
9. Towards Absolute Molecular weight of Polymers, V.P. Balagangadharan and Korah Bina Catherine, Review of Standardization of Analytical Procedures, 27 Nov 1991 VSSC Trivandrum, India.
10. Gel Permeation Chromatographic Analysis of HTPB Prepolymers. Korah Bina Catherine and V.P. Balagangadharan. Ibid.
11. Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution of HTPB Prepolymer on Mechanical Propertied of the Cured Polymer. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. National Symposium of High Polymers and Coordination Polymers 23-25 Feb 1991, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India.
12. Characteristion of Sol in HTPB Gumstock. V.P. Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan. All India Seminar on Current Trends in Polymer Science, 29 Mar 1990, University of Madras, Madras, India
13. Preparative Size Exclusion Chromatography of HTPB, V.P.Balagangadharan, Korah Bina Catherine and K.N. Ninan, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Chromatographic Techniques, 15-17 Dec. 1989, Madras, India.
14. Chromatographic Techniques in the study of Functionality Distribution of Carboxy Terminated Polybutadiene, Sreelatha.S.Panicker, V.P. Balagangadharan and K.N.Ninan.ibid.
“Characterisation of Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene by Gel Permeation Chromatography”. Dissertation submitted to the University of Poona, India as a part-requirement to M.Sc. degree, Aug 1988.
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